Sustainable Goals.
Improving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) monitoring through a natural and culturally-sensitive framework.
We’re making SDG frameworks ‘delta-relevant’. This involves looking at the relevance of current SDG indicators in delta-specific contexts, analysing possible linkages and synergies, and then ‘localising’ the SDG agenda in order to produce a ‘delta-oriented’ account for future SDG implementation and review.
Monitoring indicators and
We evaluate SDG monitoring frameworks at both a national and sub-national level, identifying gaps between these frameworks and SDGs/delta sustainability frameworks. This work is especially important for understanding how SDGs are being localised (nationally & sub-nationally), improving monitoring capacity, and developing context-appropriate targets and indicators.
SDG interlinkages, synergies & trade-offs.
The United Nations 2013 Agenda identified 17 specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a shared blueprint for climate action across all countries in global partnership. SDGs are global in nature, but locally led actions are seen to be vitally important in building sustainable communities. Our work in this area aims to understand which SDG interlinkages matter the most in order to allows stakeholders to focus on targets with strong synergies, understand trade-offs and make SDG implementation and review more coherent at a delta-scale.
SDG Localisation
We develop and examine ‘localising SDG’ case studies in our targeted delta regions. We seek to examine how the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is being addressed locally in South and Southeast Asian delta contexts. Our work aims to understand whether the national-level SDG framework is representative of the critical issues for sustainable development being faced in the deltas.
Sustainable Goals Team.
Sumana Banerjee
Nga Dao
Nga Do
Tuhin Ghosh
Andy Large
Graham Long
Lan Nguyen Thi Ngoc
Tanh Nguyen Tran Nhan
Hue Nguyen
Jack O’Connor
Indrajit Pal
Mashfiqus Salehin
Fabrice Renaud
Albert Salamanca
Manas Sanyal
Zita Sebesvari
Vo Thanh Son
Anh Ngoc Vu