Roots and Wings Roots and Wings

Scoping Trip to the Sundarbans, India

November 2019 saw UK and Indian partners embark on the final scoping trip of the Living Deltas Hub. Our wonderful Indian partners Sumana Banerjee and Tuhin Ghosh from Jaidavpur University, Kolkata, organised visits to sites across the Indian Sundarbans; the world’s largest mangrove ecosystem to meet local officials and delta dwellers and explore potential locales for the different work packages of the Living Deltas Hub…

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Roots and Wings Roots and Wings

Bangladesh Scoping Visit, August 2019

Living Deltas aims to co-develop our research with local communities and policy makers. We are conducting a series of scoping visits to all four Living Delta regions to allow us to build networks. This week a UK team from work package 3 were hosted by BUET on a whistle-stop tour of the Meghna Delta area in the southern part of Bangladesh, lying just above the Sundarbans. The trip aimed to give us all a broader understanding of the issues in the delta to help ensure our research delivers impact.

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Roots and Wings Roots and Wings

Mekong Delta Fieldwork

Between the 1st and 9th July 2019 I joined a number of UK and Vietnamese colleagues in the Mekong Delta, for our first field trip as part of our new UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund Living Deltas Hub…

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