Living Deltas present at CitSci India 2020

Authors: Heather Moorhouse & Lucy Roberts

Heather Moorhouse and Lucy Roberts represented the Living Deltas Hub at the virtual conference CitSci India, in September 2020. The conference was organised by the Biodiversity Collaborative, an organisation of multiple institutions whose aim is to promote biodiversity in India and its benefits to sustainable development and well-being through citizen science. Citizen science is an ever-growing tool in helping promote conservation and environmental education.

Lucy and Heather presented a poster on their work on artificial ponds in the Indian Sundarbans and their plans to conduct a citizen science water quality programme with schools/youth groups. Citizen science pond water quality programmes have been undertaken elsewhere with much success, with the importance of learning what works and doesn’t work from other organisations, a vital component of this. The virtual poster session consisted of a series of chat rooms and whilst not having the same atmosphere as those in-person, it was certainly an easy way to approach and interact with other attendees, plus the benefits of still being able to do so in your pyjamas cannot be overlooked.


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